Adel’s Story

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Adel’s Story

You can’t miss Adel: this young Club member is always on the move. Whether it’s running through the gym at warp speed or painting rainbows in the art room, her energy and enthusiasm is infectious. A Club member for three years, Adel has found a place where she can take all of that energy and put it towards her very big dreams.

Her biggest dream? To become a doctor. Adel says, “I want to be a doctor so I can help people with cancer and coronavirus. That means I will need to get really good grades.” At the Club, Adel has a safe place to do her schoolwork and get good grades – and she also gets to explore science and math in the STEM lab, learning early on what she’ll need to know to help others.

Though her family has moved around a lot in recent years, Adel has always been able to rely on the Club as a consistent source of support and inspiration. And it is your consistent support that inspires kids like Adel to dream big. Together, we can connect kids like Adel with exactly what they need to make their dreams come true.

“I want to be a doctor so I can help people with cancer and coronavirus.”

– Adel

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