Kid Stories

Club kids are doing amazing and inspiring things across Metro Denver. Read their stories here and visit our News page for all news and updates from Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver!

Club Member Spotlight: Bryant

Club Member Spotlight: Bryant

In 2014, Bryant’s summer break was cooking up to be a boring one. Growing up in a poverty-stricken community where parents have to work hard to simply make ends meet, there are few structured outlets for youth to turn to amidst the school-less void. Bryant, who remained largely unguided during the summer days, lacked mental […]

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Club member spotlight: Kari

Every day, twelve year-old Club member Kari turns to her Club for the stability and consistency that she needs to make her future brighter. Kari started coming to the Boys & Girls Club in her neighborhood three years ago thanks to a recommendation from a family friend. During that time, she has taken advantage of

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Club Member Spotlight: Zhayne

  In the year that eight-year-old Zhayne has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club, he has had a place to participate in enriching activities while also having fun. The Club allows Zhayne to remain supervised after school and exposes him to new friendships, unique opportunities and exciting activities like gardening and printmaking.

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