Club teens help homeless, honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Denver Broncos Boys & Girls Club staff and teens distributed care packages to people experiencing homelessness in our community. Inside the Club, members of all ages helped put together bags filled with essential supplies like masks, gloves, soap and hygiene products. The bags also included a hot meal, complete with dessert.

Later in the day, Club staff and teens headed into the local neighborhood to hand out around 45 bags to people in need. In 2020, it was estimated that almost 4,000 people were experiencing homelessness in Denver. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the services available to help them have been strained as more people need assistance due to job losses and the economic impact of the virus.

“These are the people Dr. Martin Luther King would be speaking up for today,” said 14-year-old Mya. “He believed that everyone was equal. Helping others would have made him proud.”

The volunteer services were part of Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver’s MLK Day of Service, which included a range of socially-distanced, safe activities to support our communities.

“We should always try to be nice and help others in our community,” said 16-year-old José. “The legacy of Dr. King lives on when we take the time to give to others in need.”

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