Maly Mendieta
STEM Specialist at Denver Broncos Boys & Girls Club
This month, we are delighted to shine a spotlight on one of our STEM Specialist, Maly Mendieta! Maly has been a member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver team since 2019. Starting as a volunteer, Maly was astounded by the many impactful and learning moments that came from time spent at the Club. This volunteering experience led Maly to later join the Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver team as a STEM Specialist.
When asked what her favorite part of working at the Club is, Maly could not narrow it down to just one thing. She expressed that she enjoys every moment spent with the kids. Maly is often creating new projects for Club programming from science, cooking, gardening, to learning Spanish.

“I love hearing Club kids ask for more knowledge, wanting to play the game they just learned, or grow excited to show their families their hard work. I get to see them flourish into outstanding human beings, EVERY DAY!” - Maly Mendieta