Thankful for the Boys & Girls Club

“If it wasn’t for the Boys & Girls Club, I wouldn’t be who I am today,” said 16-year-old Courtney. “Throughout my years of coming to the Club, I have realized how much I would love to work with kids in my future,” she said. “Spending my day with them and helping them learn new things makes me happy.”

When she started going to her Boys & Girls Club eight years ago, Courtney knew she had discovered a special place. The Club was someplace she could have fun with friends, get help on homework, and experience new things.

“Coming to the Club was the best decision ever!” she said.  “I go pretty much every day after school and stay until it closes at night.”

As she became older and more familiar with the Club’s programs, she gradually grew into a mentor and leader, and most days now, you’ll find her helping younger members with their homework or running an activity in the gym.  She also welcomes and guides new members.

“I can’t emphasize enough how much the Boys & Girls Club has done for me. I am beyond thankful for every single person that has walked into my life because of this organization. ”

– Courtney

“It’s my job to make sure new kids get a proper tour, and I love introducing them to our Club,” Courtney said. “Each kid I have shown around has always known which area they want to discover first and the smiles on their faces are priceless. Each and every kid knows they can count on me for whatever, whenever, and I can count on them as well.”

Courtney hopes to follow her passion for helping kids across the globe. “Education is very important, and learning at a young age is crucial. Many children around the world don’t have access to a proper education because they live too far and don’t have transportation, their families can’t afford for them to attend, or they have to stay home and help take care of the family,” she explained.

But for now, her passion for changing lives is fulfilled at the Boys & Girls Club. 

“I can’t emphasize enough how much this Club has done for me. I am beyond thankful for every single person that has walked into my life because of this organization.”  

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