Transparency & Accountability

- Conflict of Interest Policy (.pdf)
- Whistleblower Policy (.pdf)
- Record Retention and Destruction Policy (.pdf)
- Safety at Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
Our Goals & Our Strategy for Achieving Our Goals
- Capacity for Achieving Our Goals – Our Board of Directors, key staff and program committees regularly review our progress towards our goals, evaluate our capacity to achieve these goals with existing resources and under current conditions, and thoughtfully and strategically make adjustments to ensure we are investing adequate resources in all of our administrative, programmatic and operational components.
- 21st Century Century Learning Centers 2023-24 Program Year Summary - Cohort X (PDF)
- 21st Century Century Learning Centers 2023-24 Program Year Summary - Cohort IX (PDF)
- 21st Century Century Learning Centers 2022-23 Program Year Summary - Cohort IX (PDF)
- 21st Century Century Learning Centers 2022-23 Program Year Summary - ESSER II (PDF)
- 21st Century Learning Centers 2021-22 Program Year Summary - Cohort VIII (PDF)
- 21st Century Learning Centers 2021-22 Program Year Summary - Cohort IX (PDF)
- 21st Century Learning Centers 2021-22 Program Year Summary - Cohort E2 (PDF)
- 21st Century Learning Centers 2020-21 Program Year Summary (PDF)
- 21st Century Learning Centers 2019-20 Program Year Summary (PDF)
- 21st Century Learning Centers 2018-19 Program Year Summary (PDF)
Charity Navigator
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver has been recognized by Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent charity evaluator, for its exceptional financial health and commitment to operating with the highest degree of integrity to earn the public’s trust. Visit our page at Charity Navigator to learn more. Charity Navigator bases its ratings on a number of factors, not the least of which is an organization’s degree of accountability and transparency. Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver has created this web page as a convenient, comprehensive source of information Charity Navigator has identified as critical to helping donors make informed giving decisions.